[email protected] 2300 Sheppard Ave W North York, ON M9M 3A4, Canada

KWICA: Empowering
Kenyan Women in Canada

Explore and connect with a vibrant and supportive community of individuals who share common goals, fostering both personal and professional growth, all made possible through the expansive network offered by KWICA.

Unveiling Growth Through Connections

Discover a network of like-minded individuals for personal and professional growth through KWICA. Our organization fosters empowerment, solidarity, and skill development while advocating for gender-related issues and leadership opportunities, nurturing community involvement and access to valuable resources for our members' advancement. Unlock a world of possibilities with KWICA, where women thrive through:


Networking Opportunities

Engage in a women's community for networking, fostering personal and professional growth through meaningful connections.

Professional Development

Access workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs, enhancing skills for career advancement within these organizations.

Access to Resources

Collaborate with stakeholders for expanded resources, facilitating job search and aiding in personal and professional development.

Advocacy and Awareness

Participate in advocacy efforts, raising gender-related awareness and catalyzing positive societal change.

Skill Building

Develop diverse skills through workshops, empowering members for personal and professional excellence.

Leadership Opportunities

Encourage leadership roles, nurturing confidence and honing leadership skills within women-led organizations.

Our Empowered Community

KWICA is a federally registered not-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing the unique challenges faced by Kenyan women socially, economically, and professionally. Through regional chapters across the country, KWICA implements impactful programs and events, embracing an inclusive definition of ``women`` to champion social change. With a vision to improve lives and promote inclusion, KWICA focuses on representation, mentorship, and networking opportunities, prioritizing women's needs by offering tailored solutions. Upholding values of access, dignity, inclusion, and collaboration, KWICA strives for a more empowered future. Explore our About Us page to learn more about KWICA's journey and impact.

Our Programs

As we continue to strengthen our community, KWICA is continuously developing programs that reflect the needs and aspirations of our members across Canada. By engaging all registered members through an inclusive online survey, we're continuously identifying priority areas. Explore our suggested programs, each designed to empower and support members on their unique journeys and diverse experiences within our association.

want to join KWICA?

Become part of a vibrant community dedicated to growth, connection, and empowerment.

What our members say about us

KWICA has been a beacon of hope and empowerment in my life. The mentorship programs offered by this remarkable organization have been a guiding light, helping me navigate challenges and unlock my true potential. The sense of camaraderie within KWICA has been a source of strength, motivating me to pursue my dreams fearlessly and encouraging me to empower others along the way.
Grace Cherotich
KWICA Member
KWICA has truly been a lifeline for me. The advocacy work undertaken by this organization resonates deeply with my values, and being part of KWICA has allowed me to actively contribute to positive societal change. Engaging in community service and outreach initiatives has not only given me a sense of purpose but has also fostered a strong connection with like-minded individuals who share a commitment to making a difference.
Mercy Wanjala
KWICA Member
KWICA has provided me with a platform to enhance my leadership skills and make a lasting impact in both my personal and professional spheres. The organization's commitment to encouraging members to take on leadership roles has been instrumental in boosting my confidence and expanding my horizons. KWICA has not only been a source of empowerment but a nurturing environment where ambition is cultivated and celebrated.
Amina Rashid
KWICA Member

Our Latest Causes

The Kenyan Women in Canada Association (KWICA) is united by a common mission to uplift, support, and advocate for one another. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to create a supportive network that fosters personal growth, empowerment, and solidarity among Kenyan women across Canada. Join us in our commitment to making a positive impact and fostering a vibrant community for Kenyan women in Canada.

  • New Campaign

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris maximus ultrices felis. Suspendisse sed neque ante. Pellentesque iaculis metus purus, ut facilisis turpis porttitor sit…

    • Goal: $5000 0.00%
  • Contribute to KWICA’s Cause

    Contribute to KWICA’s Cause

    Join us in embarking on a transformative journey, delving into the profound and enduring impact we can collectively make on the lives of Kenyan women…

    • Goal: $
  • Support Women’s Day

    Support Women’s Day

    Join us in honoring and uplifting women worldwide by contributing to our fundraising campaign dedicated to International Women's Day. This day symbolizes the strength, resilience,…

    • Goal: $5000 0.00%

Our Latest News

Explore the latest updates and happenings at KWICA – your gateway to a vibrant community of empowered Kenyan women in Canada. From inspiring stories to upcoming events and initiatives, stay connected to the pulse of our dynamic association. Join us in celebrating achievements, fostering solidarity, and shaping the narrative of Kenyan women making a mark in Canada.

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Our Sponsors & Partners

At KWICA, our strength lies in collaboration, and we are proud to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our esteemed partners and sponsors. Together, we forge impactful initiatives, provide essential resources, and create opportunities for growth and success. Our partners and sponsors are vital contributors to our vision of fostering empowerment, inclusion, and advancement within our community. Explore this section to learn more about the valued collaborations that drive KWICA's mission forward.