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$20,000.00 Goal
$0 Raised

Contribute to KWICA’s Cause

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Join us in embarking on a transformative journey, delving into the profound and enduring impact we can collectively make on the lives of Kenyan women who have chosen Canada as their home. KWICA (Kenyan Women In Canada Association) isn’t merely an organization; it stands as a beacon of unwavering advocacy, fully dedicated to empowering, uplifting, and fervently championing the rights of Kenyan women within the intricate fabric of the Canadian community. Your generosity is not just a contribution; it serves as a vital and indispensable pillar, intricately woven into the foundation of KWICA’s multifaceted initiatives. These initiatives, meticulously crafted, extend far beyond immediate assistance; they are designed to provide comprehensive and sustainable solutions. Your donation, whether grand or modest, acts as the lifeblood, propelling our steadfast commitment toward fostering equality, facilitating education, and creating expanded opportunities for the women we champion. Recognize that your support transcends mere financial aid; it’s a resounding declaration of solidarity, a purposeful stride forward in the collective effort to create a more inclusive and empowered society. Each donation is a testament to the shared vision of change, acting as a catalyst for progress. United, let’s traverse the path of transformation, collectively paving the way for a future where Kenyan women in Canada not only thrive but become trailblazers in their own right. Your decision to take action today, to contribute to KWICA, is an invitation to become an integral part of this transformative odyssey. Together, we forge a powerful narrative of positive change, ensuring a brighter, more promising future for Kenyan women in Canada. Seize the opportunity to be a driving force behind this change – donate today and join us in rewriting the story of empowerment alongside KWICA.

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Donation Total: $100.00


Support Women’s Day

$0 Raised
$5,000.00 Goal